Random list of baby names
English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Yazeedah يزيده য়াজীদাহ यजीदह یزیدہ Yazeedah is an Arabic name for girls that means increase, growth.
Khansaa خنساء খানসা खांसा خنسا White gazelle
Tazim تزعم তাজিম ताज़ीम تعظیم Glorification, exaltation, honour.
Mahnaz مهناز মাহনাজ मेहनाज़ مہناز Pride of the moon, Humble moon (that would disappear on touch).
Izat عزت ইজাত इज़त عزت Respect.
Azzat عززت আজ্জাত ैजत عزت Azzat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Azzah, which means gazelle. It is used for both boys and girls.
Kaysan كيسان কেসন कइसन کیسان Wise
Zharif زهريف জ্হারিফ ज़हरीफ़ زحرف Intelligent, Clever, Good character
Khursheed خورشيد খুরশীদ खुर्शीद خورشید The sun
Sameeka سميكة সমীকা समीका سمیکا High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb
Surayya سوريا সুরেয়া सुरैया سریا The Pleiades, cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, a wealthy lady, luster, chandelier.
Hazrat حذرت হজরত हज़रात حضرت An honorific title, used at the beginning of a name.
Muqadaas مقدس মুকাদাস मुक़दास مقداس Holy, Pure
Aamira أميرة আমির आमिर امرا Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited ,Prosperous, full of life, large, substantial fem. of Aamir.
Behrokh بحركه বেহ্রখ बेहरोख بهروخ Behrokh is a Persian for girls and boys that means good-looking, beautiful. Behrokh is made up of Beh (good, pretty) and rokh (face, appearance).
Aras عرس অরস ारस عرس Aras is a Kurdish, Persian, Turkish and Urdu name for boys and girls. In Kurdish and Persian it means equal, balanced. The word Aras commonly refers to the Aras River, which flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan. In Kurdish the name is pronounced [(A)fter] + [p(R)ay + s(A)nd + (S)it], in Persian [(A)fter]
Meryem مريم মের্য়েম मरयम مریم Mother of Isa (A.S)
Radhee رضي রাধী रद्दी رادھے Lover, suitor, goodwill, satisfied, content
Nadim نديم নাদিম नदीम ندیم Friend, companion, entertaining
Bazl بذل বাজল बैल بزل Prize, reward.
Saqriyyah صقرية সাক্রিয়্য়াহ सकरिययह سقرییہ Saqriyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means like a falcon.
Abasin بسين অবসিন अबासिन اباسین The Indus River.
Keyvan كيفن কেয়্ভান केवन کیوں World, universe
Ubaidah عبيده উবায়দাহ उबैदह عبیدہ Servant of Allah
Jemina جمعنا জেমিনা जमीन جمنا Dove.