Random list of baby names
English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Zohha زها জঃহা ज़ोहः زوحہٰ Hope, Shining light
Abdul Momit عبدالمؤمة আব্দুল মমিত अब्दुल मोमित عبدل مومیت Servant of the Death-giver
Zaida زائدة জিদ जैडा زائدہ Increasing, exceeding, excessive, growing, surplus,Good fortune, fem. of Zaid ,She was a very devoted worshipper about whose worship the Prophet (S.A.W) also learnt, she was the freed slave of Sayyidina Umar bin al-Khattab
Al Tayyib الطيب আল তেয়িব अल तय्यिब ال تھیب Nickname of Abdullah
Mawhiba موهبة মাব্হিবা मॉहिबा موہبہ Gift, talent, sing. of Mawahib.
Wahbiyah وهبية বাহ্বিয়াহ वहबियह وہبیہ Giving
Ghafuri غفور ঘাফুরি घफुरी غفاری Ghafuri is an Arabic name for boys that means forgiving, pardoning.
Beetaa بيتا বিটা बीता بیٹا Unique
Rouyaa روياء রুয়া रोया رویہ Rouyaa is an Arabic name for girls that meas dream, both a dream seen when sleeping and a dream that a person wants to achieve.
Sarayah سريه সারায়াহ सरयह سریه Sarayah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means brigade, detachment, a part or division of an army.
Shahzad شحذد শাহজাদ शहज़ाद شہزاد Prince, son of king.
Zuhdii زهدي জুহ্দিই ज़ुह्दी زہدی Low profile, Moderate
Misriyyah مصريه মিসৃয়্য়াহ मिश्रिययह مسرییہ Misriyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means Egyptian. It is an attribution to Misr (Egypt).
Kutaiba قتيبة কুতায়বা कुतबा کتابا Sensible, intelligent
Nihla نهلة নিঃলা निहला نہلا Present, gift, sing. of Nihel.
Setoudeh ستوضح সেতুদেঃ सेतौदह ستودہ Setoudeh is a Persian name for girls that means praised, worthy of praise.
Hadfah هادفه হাদ্ফাহ हदफह حدفہ Hadfah is an Arabic name for girls that means aim, target.
Qunbar قنبر কোনবার कुंबर قنبر Qunbar is an Arabic name for boys that refers to a type of bird known as turnstone in English.
Zafrul زفرل জাফরুল ज़फरुल زفرل Honest, Reliable and very ambitous
Atifah أتفه আতিফাহ अतिफः عاطفہ Affectionate, compassionate, sympathetic
Haussam حسام হুসসাম हाउससम ہوسّم The sward
Azyan أزين আজ্য়ান ैयन ازیں Azyan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means adornments, decorations, beautiful features, any group of things that beautify something else. Azyan is the plural of Zayn.
Baqer باقر বাকের बाकेर بقر Man of knowledge
Shuraim شريم শুরাইম शुरैम شرم Shuraim is an Arabic name for boys that has two related meanings. One of them is little gulf, little bay, little inlet, being the diminutive form of Sharm (gulf, bay, inlet). It can also mean little one whose lips are chapped/cracked, being the diminutive form of the Arabic word Ashram (not related to the Indian word)
Awlya أولية অব্ল্য়া ावल्या اولیا Good Friend and Companion