Boys Names with Letter M
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English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Matir مطير মাটির मतिर مٹر Matir is an Arabic name for boys that means rainy day. It also means fast-running horse.
Matlab مطلب মতলব मतलब مطلب Matlab is an Arabic name for boys that means desire, demand, goal.
Matloob مطلوب মতলুব मतलूब مطلوب Objective, goal, Desired, required, sought after.
Matlub مطلوب মতলুব मतलूब مطلوب Matlub is an Arabic name for boys that means desired, sought after, demanded.
Mattali متتالي মাত্তালি मत्तली متلی Mattali is an Arabic name for boys that means smith, a person whose job is to create things with iron, such as swords.
Mauddin مدين মাউদ্দিন मउद्दीन موددیں Muaddin is an Arabic name for boys that means miner.
Mauhub موهوب মুহুব मौहब् محب Given to, Given charity
Mausoof موصوف মুসূফ मौसूफ़ موصوف Worthy of description, endowed with laudable qualities.
Mawahib مواهب মাবাহিব मवाहिब مواہب Pl. of Mauhiba, gift, talent.
Mawdood مودود মাব্দূদ मौदूद مودود Beloved, attached.
Mawdud مودود মাব্দুদ मौदूद مودود Beloved, Loving, attached
Mawfoud موفد মাব্ফুদ मवफौद موفود Mawfoud is an Arabic name for boys that means delegate, agent, deputy, a person who has been sent somewhere to act on behalf of someone else.
Mawhab موهب মাব্হাব मवहब موہب Mawhab is an Arabic name for boys that means given ,gifted, bestowed, something given freely.
Mawhad موحد মাব্হাদ मवहद موحد Mawhad is an Arabic name for boys that means one, singular.
Mawhoob موهوب মাব্হুব मौहूब موہوب Gifted, talented, endowed, favoured.
Mawhub موهوب মাব্হুব मवहब موحب Mawhub is an Arabic name for boys that means given freely, bestowed, gifted, especially meaning gift from God.
Mawjud موجود মাব্জুদ मौजूद موجود Mawjud is an Arabic name for boys that means existing, existent, actual, accessible, obtainable.
Mawla مولى মাব্লা मौला مولا Helper, protector.
Mawoud موعود মাবুদ मवउद موعود Mawoud is an Arabic name for boys that means appointed, determined, promised, promisee.
Mawsil موصل মাব্সিল मौसिल موصل Naame of a Hanafi Jurist of Iraq (Ibn Mawsil).
Mawthuq موثوق মাব্থুক मवथुक موتھق Mawthuq is an Arabic name for boys that means trusted, trustworthy.
Maymun ميمون মায়মুন मैमून میمن Fortunate, blessed, Lucky
Maysarah ميسره মায়্সারাহ मेसरः میسرہ Of comfort, ease
Mazahir مظاهر মাজাহির मज़ाहिर مظاہر Mazahir is an Arabic name for boys that means scenes, views, vistas.
Mazamin مزمن মাজামিন मज़ामीन مضامین Mazamin is an Arabic name for boys that means guarantee, guarantor, surety, sponsor.