Boys Names with Letter I
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English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Injah إنجاح ইন্জাহ िंजह انجہ Success
Injeel إنجيل ইনজীল इंजील انجیل Injeel is an Arabic name for boys and girls that refers to the book that was sent by God to Prophet Jesus, known as the Gospels in English. The word is originally from Greek and means messenger, message-bearer. The word Injeel is used 12 times in the Quran, such as in verse 57:27.
Ins إنس ইনস आईएनएस انس Ins is an Arabic name for boys that means tranquility, calmness of the heart and lack of fear.
Insaf إنصاف ইনসাফ इंसाफ انصاف Justice, impartiality, fairness, equity.
Insar عنصر ইনসার इंसार عنصر Helper, supporter.
Insha إنشا ইনশা इंशा انشا Sentence, Writing, Essay, Famous poet: Ibn-e-Insha
Inshad إنشاد ইন্শাদ िंशद انشد Inshad is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means to raise ones voice in singing or reading.
Inshaf ينشاف ইনসাফ इंशाफ़ انشف Equity
Inshiraf نشرف ইন্শিরাফ इंशिरफ انشیرف Inshiraf is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means honor, glory, sublimity.
Inshirah إنشراح ইনশিরাহ इंशिरः انشراح Delight, happiness, cheerfulness.
Insijam إنسجام ইন্সিজাম इंसिजम انسجام Insijam is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means harmony, symmetry.
Intaj إنتاج ইন্তাজ इंतज انتاج King, magnificent
Intakhab إنتخاب ইন্তাখাব इंतखाब انتخاب Election
Inteqab نتقاب ইন্তেকাব इन्तेक़ाब انٹقب Chosen
Intezar إنتظار ইন্তেজার इंतज़ार انتظار To wait.
Intiha إنتهى ইন্তিহা इंतिहा انتہا Ending and Conclusion
Intikhab إنتخاب ইন্তিখাব इंतिखाब انتخاب Selection, choice
Intisar إنتصار ইন্তিসার इन्तिज़ार انتصار Victory, triumph.
Intishal انتشال ইন্তিশাল इंटिशल انتشل Intishal is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means recovery, when an illness becomes weaker and the symptoms fade away.
Intizar إنتظار ইন্টিজার इन्तिज़ार انتظار Wait
Inzamam انظمام ইনজামাম इंजमाम انضمام To unite, to get together
Iqbaal إقبال ইকবাল इक़बाल اقبال Prosperity, Wealth ,Islam's poet, Arrival, Peaceful ,advance, advent
Iqbal إقبال ইকবাল इक़बाल اقبال Prosperity, good fortune, good-luck, responsiveness, welfare.
Iqdam إقدام ইক্দাম इक़दाम اقدام Iqdam is an Arabic name for boys that means boldness, courageousness.
Iqleem إقليم ইক্লীম िकलीम اقلیم Iqleem is an Arabic and Urdu name for boys that means region, country, land, zone. The ancient meaning of Iqleem is continent. Dictionaries also mention that it is the name of a place in Egypt. Iqleem is derived from the Q-L-M (pen) root which is used in many places in the Quran.