Boys Names with Letter D
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English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Diyan دين দিয়ান दियां دیں Judge, leader, captain.
Diyari دياري দিয়ারী दियारी ڈیری A gift, or a present
Dizhwar دزهور দিজ্হ্বর डिज़हवार دزہور Mean, strong
Djamel دجيمل দ্জামেল दजमेल دجمل beauty
Djillali دجلل দ্জিল্লালি दजिल्लाली دجللالی considered
Dler دلير দলের दलेर دلیر Dler is a Kurdish name for boys that means brave, courageous.
Dmaurah دمره দ্মুরাহ दमौरः دماوره (Zamurah) Name of Sahabi who participated in the hattle of Badr.
Doost دوست দোস্ত दोस्त دوست Doost is a Persian name for boys and girls that means friend.
Dorrah دوره দর্রাহ दोर्राह دوررہ precious stone (name of the famous child Shaheed Muhammad Al Dorra) , pearl
Dost دوست দোস্ত दोस्त دوست Friend.
Dost Muhammad دوست موهامماد দোস্ত মুহাম্মদ दोस्त मुहम्मद دوست محمّد Friend of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Douha دوحة দুহা दोहा دوہا (Zuhaa) Forenoon, Name: Shamsu-Zuhaa.
Dowana دون দবানা दोवना دوانہ Nubian name.
Droon درون দরুন ड्रोन دروں Respectable.
Duha دوحة দুহা दूहा دوحہ Forenoon, (This name is generally pronounced as Zohya in non-Arabic speaking countries like Pakistan/India).
Duhat دوحة দুহাত दुहत دھات Duhat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means intelligent, sensible. It is a plural of Dahee.
Duhr دهر দুঃর दुहर دہر Duhr is an Arabic name for boys that means noon. It is the name of the second prayer of the daily Islamic five prayers.
Dulamah دولمه দুলামাহ दुलमह دلامہ Tall and black
Duman ضمن দুমান दमन دمن Misty, smoky
Duqaq دقاق দুকাক दुक़ाक़ دقاق To command
Durrah دوره দুর্রাহ दुर्राह درّہ Companion of prophet muhammad (bpuh)
Durrishahwar دريشهور দুর্রিশাহ্বর दुर्रिशहवर درریشہور Royal pearl
Duryab دريب দুর্যব डरयब دریاب Duryab is a Persian name for boys and girls that means finder of good things, bringer of good things. Its literal meaning is finder of pearls. Duryab is formed from the Arabic word Dur (pearl) and the Persian suffix -yab (finder, acquirer).
Dyab دياب দয়াব दयब دیب The one who perseveres
Dzaki دزك দ্জাকি डज़की دزکی Intelligent, Clever, Understanding