Boys Names with Letter A
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English Arabic Bangla Hindi Urdu Meaning
Abdush Shahid عبدوششهد আব্দুস শাহিদ अब्दुष शहीद ابدوش شاہد Slave of the Witness
Abdut Tawwab أبدتتوب আব্দুত তাব্বাব अब्दुत तव्वाब ابدت توواب Servant of the most forgiving
Abduz Zahir ابدوز زاهير আবদুজ জাহির अब्दुज़ ज़ाहिर آبدوز ظاہر Servant of the Overt
Abed عبد আবেদ आबेद عبد Worshipper
Abedin عابدين আবেদিন आबेदीन عبدن Worshippers
Abeed أبيض আবিদ अबीद عبید Abeed is an Arabic name for boys that means servant of God, devoted worshiper of God.
Abeel أبيل আবিল अबिल ابیل Healthy
Abhaj أبهج অভাজ ाभज ابھج Abhaj is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means more successful, more brilliant, better. It is derived from the B-H-J root which is used in a number of places in the Quran.
Abhar أبحر অভার आभार ابھر Arabic for most brilliant, most lucid, most renowned.
Abi أبي অবি अभी ابی High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb
Abid عبيد আবিদ आबिद عابد Worshipper, adorer, devout.
Abidain أبيضين আবিদিন ाबिदैं ابدیں Abidain is an Arabic name for boys that means worshipers, devoted servants of God. It is a muthanna plural of Aabid, literally meaning two worshipers, two devoted servants of god.
Abideen أبيضين আবিদীন अबिदीन عابدین Servant of Allah | Worshiper of Allah
Abidin أبيضين আবিদিন अबिदीन عابدین Pl. of Abid. i.e. worshippers, adorers, A popular name among Muslims
Abidullah عبدلله অবিদুল্লাহ अबीदुल्लाह عبدللہ Worshipper of Allah.
Abinus أبنوس অবিনুস आबनूस ابنس Abinus is an Urdu variant of the Persian name Abnus. Both are acceptable.
Abir عبير আবির अबीर ابر Aroma, Strong
Abisali بيصلي অবিসালি अबिसाली ابسلی Warrior in Islam
Abiyyi أبي অবিয়্য়ী अबिय्यी ابییی One that doesn't want to be insulted, High self-esteem
Abkar أبقار আবকার ाबकर آبکار Early and On Time
Ablagh أبلغ অব্লাঘ ाबलघ ابلاغ Arabic for most mature, most eloquent.
Ablaj أبلج অব্লাজ ाबलज ابلاج Ablaj is a non-Quranic name for boys that means brilliant, lucid, clear, one who has a pleasant complexion.
Abnus أبنوس অব্নুস आबनूस ابنس Abnus is a Persian name for boys and girls that means ebony, which is a dense and expensive type of wood that can sink in water, used for making musical instruments. It is not a Quranic name but Muslims can use it since it doesnt have a bad meaning. Abnus is pronounced [(A)fter + (B)oy] + [(N)ew + s(OO)n + (S)it].
Abood عبود আবুদ अबूद ابود Worship
Abou أبو আবু अबू ابو Abou is an Arabic name for boys that means beauty and glow of the face. This name shouldnt be confused with the word Abu which means father of. In Arabic they are two different words with different roots and spellings.